Week #39: June 17th - 21st

Dear Families,

Here we are at the end of our final FULL WEEK of grade 4.  Did I just write that?!  I thank you all for being a regular follower and supporting your child’s academic, social, emotional and mental well-being  IN and OUT of the classroom.  

I am deeply proud of all my students for their dedication, efforts, and responsibility with all their classroom endeavours such as daily homework, projects, assignments, presentations, etc ...  

As you may have sensed, the workload in grade 4 was extensive and substantial.  I do my best to not only cover our current curriculum expectations, but also to prepare my students well for the next grade level(s).  

My hope is that this will be beneficial as your child continues their journey in the junior division in the fall. 

Perhaps you may recall at the student-led conferences in November, your child had shared the meaning of T.E.A.M.  This stands SO TRUE ... and we have achieved more as a dream team :-) 

It has been a true pleasure writing these weekly posts as I get to reflect upon all the meaningful learning we're doing and have done as a class family, this brings me immense JOY! 

I don’t know about you, but I’m still beaming with pride for my student’s outstanding performance at our Poetry Café!  

Everyone was so poised, ready, and confident to present :-)  The images below capture this beautifully!

My Ma and Mrs. Roth - thank you for supporting me always!

I received many heart-warming messages from parents, students, and staff about the wonderful presentation!  It was a true reflection of how brilliant the hearts and minds are of my students!

Thank you families for being part of this heartfelt celebration.  So many of you were able to come and we appreciate it :)  I will always remember this experience fondly as I reflect upon our year together.

Below, I have posted a variety of photos for you to enjoy and relive the magic that was felt at the Cafe.  Thank you to Mr. Roth (my family friend) who captured so many lovely moments :)

During our Poetry Cafe, we shared a very upbeat and positive song to remind us all the importance of being THANKFUL, GRATEFUL, and APPRECIATE all that we have in our life.  

I truly believe that by having an attitude of gratitude - your life will be filled with joy!  

Have your child share this song with you and he or she can perform the special parts from it :)

First off, please know there is zero expectation from my end to be given a "teacher gift."  I have shared with my students, the greatest teaching gift I have received is having your child in my class.  

I sent home a note, but I want to share a friendly reminder again that as the school year approaches an end, I would like to request something that is important to me.  

Please know, it is coming from a good place and if you have already gotten or made me a teacher gift, I will always receive it with open arms and heart.  

If you were or are planning on providing me with a gift, I ask in lieu of a teacher gift this school year, please consider donating to one of the organizations below that is near and dear to my heart: 

Water First, My Friends House, Home Horizon, Sick Kids, Team Trees, Me to We, or Make a Wish -

It has been a remarkable year and I look forward to watching your child continue to soar and grow throughout their years at Nottawa!!  Gooooo Nighthawks :)

Students have now received their term 2 report card and as always, I like to reinforce that for me, it is not solely about the ‘marks’ or ‘level’s,’ but an emphasis on celebrating students’ strengths ('what they know') and next steps ('what they don't know YET').  

Speaking of this, you will notice that with your child's report card, there is an accompanying sheet where I had the children think and reflect upon their own strengths and areas to improve upon.  Please go through this with your child :)

This was a meaningful activity as I feel it is important for us to acknowledge what we're doing well so we can continue achieving this and work towards some goals we strive to accomplish :)

I also had the children think about their own growth mindset so you will get to see what their powerful thoughts and words are :)

I am proud to say each of my students this year displayed their personal best and it has reflected in their growing character.  

I truly believe this is what will take our children further in life … always being respectfulKIND, and supportive with others!  

It takes patience, practice, and perseverance, but if we all continue to work towards this, we will lead a happy, healthy, and joyous life.

I know many students in this class have embraced our school boards' 10 character traits to heart, and will continue being not only good students, but tremendous citizens as they move forward to contribute to society.  

As an educator at Nottawa, I will always do my best to be here for your child.  Moving forward, if I can help support in any capacity big or small, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email.  

I like to say - "Once your child's teacher, always their teacher!"

An important message from Mrs. Johnson, please ensure your child(ren)'s outstanding library books are returned by next week.  

She is really flexible with the kids about signing out new books even when old ones aren't returned, but as the summer approaches, it's imperative books are returned.

Thank you so much for your support and understanding in this!  

National Indigenous History Month - When did it start & what is it?

You may have heard of National Indigenous Peoples Day — it takes place every year on June 21st. Since 2009, Canada has officially celebrated National Indigenous History Month the entire month of June. These celebrations are meant to honour Indigenous history, people, cultures and contributions to Canada. But with so many different cultures and people that make up Canada’s Indigenous population, is one month enough time?

Watch the informational video below to learn more :)

CBC Kids News contributor Isabel DeRoy-Olson explores what it means to be an ally on National Indigenous Peoples Day. With headlines about residential schools and Indigenous women and girls, you might be wondering how you can help. The term “ally” or “Indigenous ally” might have come up.
What are allies, anyway?
Watch as Isabel speaks to two experts, Larissa Crawford and Cindy Blackstock, to ask them what an ally means, what allies do and how we can all be better allies to Indigenous people.

Thank you to all the children who wore an orange shirt to show your solidarity and support (being an ally) with Indigenous Peoples.

On Monday, Mielle came to school and shared with me the MOOSE HIDE CAMPAIGN.  

What is it?  It is an Indigenous-led grassroots movement of men and boys - and all Canadians who are standing up against violence towards women and children.

After reading the informational card, Mielle gave me some moose hide to pin on my shirt and I've had it on since.  

You see, wearing this moose hide signifies a commitment to honour, respect, and protect women and children in your life and to work together to end violence against women and children, and all those along the gender continuum.

I encourage you all to help spread the Moose Hide Campaign by sharing with your family, communities, and organizations.

To order pins, donate, and learn more visit the link -->  moosehidecampaign.ca

Thank you Mielle for sharing this powerful campaign and thinking of me.  I will continue to do my part to spread its important message with my future classes :)

Thank you Cara and Libby for your contributions to our Tabs for Kids :)  Your time, efforts, and energy towards this initiative is very appreciated!  

Keep those tabs coming until the end of the school year boys and girls! 

Thank you Margot for sharing and gifting a quart of sweet strawberries this week!  

I've actually been craving them and these were the MOST DELICIOUS batch I've ever had!  My hands, mouth and t-shirt are perma-red now from all the berry juice, yummmmmmy!

Your thoughtfulness is appreciated as always :-)

Thank you Elle for sharing lavender with me from your garden.  It's my most favourite scent and love it so much :)

I appreciate you thinking of me and spreading your love & light, Elle!

Thank you Finn and family for the heartfelt card and hand-made key chain.  

Thank you for generously donating to Water First, Finn!

The Bonta's kind gesture is sealed in my heart and I will never lose sight of all that you've done to support your son in his academics, social & emotional learning journey this year.  

Can't wait to see Finn continue to soar and grooooow!

Wowie, the thoughtful gestures keep on coming!  

Thank you Hazel & Harlow for bringing in freezies for our class family to enjoy on what was the hottest week of the school year!  

The freezies sure cooled us off and we are grateful!  Thank you Colquhoun family :)  

This school year, I've shared on many occasions with my class, the importance of demonstrating our best selves in our thoughts, words, and ACTIONS.  

For it is how we thinkact, and feel that will most impact not only us, but also those around us.  We must always put forth our personal best and lead with integrity. 

I know many students in this class have taken this character trait on, and will continue being not only good students, but tremendous citizens as they move forward to contribute to society.  

I will always to my best to be here for your child, and if I can help in any way big or small, please be in touch :)

Thank you Anna for this week's mindset message!  

"We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own TO DO list."  - Anna

This quote highlights the importance of self-care and prioritizing our own well-being amidst the demands of daily life.  Often, we get so caught up in fulfilling responsibilities and helping others that we sometimes may neglect our own needs.  

By placing ourselves higher on our "TO DO list," we acknowledge that taking care of ourselves is crucial for maintaining balance, health, and overall happiness.  This self-prioritization enables us to be more effective and present in all areas of our lives, ultimately benefiting not just ourselves, but also those around us. 

With love & appreciation,
Ms. P. Gill


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