Week #40: June 24th - 27th

Dear Families,

Here I am writing my final blog update for our 2023/2024 school year.  It is with mixed emotions that I share this post.  

I am happy to have successfully completed this year seeing all my students diligently grow academically, socially, emotionally, and behaviourally, however, I do feel teary that our time together in our learning community has come to an end.  

I will miss each student as they have in their own way brightened my heart with their smiles, enthusiasm, and respect.  Each day, I was greeted with warmth and positive energy.  I truly am the blessed one!  

We will miss you Mr. Morin, but are also excited for your next chapter as a Comet.
You touched our minds & hearts!  It's time for a new batch of children to experience the
Magic of Mr. Morin

I would like to take this opportunity now to thank each of you (parents) for all that you have done this school year to continually support your child in each and every aspect of learning that they participated in.  

Just to name a few - helping your child in his/her weekly homework & assignments, organizing attire for the various spirit days, paying for our field trips, your generous donations to Sick Kids, Water First (and more), preparing your child for Stone Soup, the Empathy & Compassion Assembly, Black History Cafe, the Poetry Cafe, our ongoing open communication via email or in person - the list goes on! 

Our time at school was a meaningful one because of YOUR unwavering parental support - truly!  I could not have done what I did this year without your help so thank you from the bottom of my heart!  

I want to take this final opportunity to wish you all a happyhealthy, and safe summer holiday!  The next little while I am looking forward to traveling to Prague to watch the World Dance Competition that my friend's daughter is participating in, and upon my return - being glued to the outdoors bikinghiking (passions of mine), and cottaging with my loved ones.

As many know, I feel the most grounded in my classroom, but on my free time, it's definitely in nature that I feel at peace.  I am deeply grateful to have a healthy mind, body, and spirit to enjoy it.  #healthiswealth

I wish for you to seize and savour every moment you can with your dear child(ren) in our picturesque community!  #blessed  

KEEP SMILIN' J  See you in September everyone!

To all my families and students, thank you for taking the time and energy to express your utmost appreciation and gratitude through your letters, cards, emails, books, gifts, and donations.  

I love the card, Molly!
I love your comment about "slowing down on the homework."  LOL.

Your sentiments brought tears to my eyes and I will NEVER LOSE SIGHT of your kindness.  I am deeply moved by your generosity and caring hearts.  I truly won the jackpot of supportive parents and darling children!

As requested, I deeply appreciate that many families connected my love for giving back to a charity and donated to causes near and dear to me (e.g., Water First, Sick Kids, etc) on my behalf.  

I truly cherish these acts of kindness!  LIVING IS GIVING and thank you for making a difference in the lives of others who need it the most.

Thank you Margot & Malcolm for your sweet messages and donation to Water First!

My connections with my students' parents/guardians is something I value and is sealed in my heart.  I could not have made the progress in your child's academic, social, and behavioural learning if I didn't have your support every step of the way - thank you, thank you!!  

I want each of you to know that I deeply admire and respect you for how you're raising your child(ren).  The kids at Nottawa can and will continue to make this planet BRIGHTER & BETTER with your influence.

I certainly had some emotional moments, but all happy tears and I'm excited to continue watching your child learn and grow throughout our years at Nottawa :)

Please don't ever hesitate to reach out to me to connect, I will always do my best to maintain our beautiful bond :)  

Thank you to the Colquhoun family for creating a JOY JAR for our class family and for all my future classes.  What a fantastic idea/gift, I am sooo grateful!  

A joy jar is an effective tool to bring awareness to moments that light children up and to practice gratitude.

During our final moments together yesterday, we sat in a circle and every student had an opportunity to select an affirmation.  It instantly brought joy to all our hearts!

Even Charlie (grade 8) came into the portable and he chose one too and afterwards he sweetly said, "Thanks for that, I needed it."

I look forward to proudly sharing the joy jar with all my future classes, it will continue to lighten and brighten our hearts and minds.  Che Meegwich Hazel & Harlow!!

Below are some images I captured as the children read aloud and listened to the affirmations :)

Thank you to our dedicated parent volunteers who took so much time and effort to provide and make ALL the amazing decorations for the grad theme.  It looked stunning and you always go above and beyond to make it special for our school family!!  

I attended the graduation ceremony Monday evening and it was wonderful to see everyone “dressed to the nines!”  Our 8’s looked so beautiful!  This particular class holds a special place in my heart because we had this instant connection and continued it throughout grades 3-8.

I will hold onto all our special memories :)

Parker's now taller than me!

Below are some images that are near and dear to my heart.  I had the honour to teach, learn, and grow with all these boys in grade 3 and I am sooo proud of the fine young men they've become in their years at Nottawa. 

From left to right - Charlie, Cayden, Coleton, and Cameron
Last day of school and our bond continues to blossom :)

Yep, we share a beautiful bond, always have, always will!  I can't wait to hear all about their high school experiences and the difference that they're going to make in this world! 

"People may forget what you said or what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel."  

Thank you for making me feel SEEN, HEARD, and VALUED Coleton, Parker, Charlie, Cameron, Cayden, and Jeremy. 

Best wishes Coleton in high school, I will miss you!

Parker & Jeremy!  
I am ever so grateful for our connection which is filled with care & compassion.

I'm very emotional here (tears filled) as Parker came to me for one final hug at Nottawa.
You are AMAZING just the way you are :)

As I sat admiring everyone, I couldn’t help but think about my current students (your child) getting up on stage for their graduation when it comes up, I can’t wait!  I know, I know, we still have a few years left don’t we?!  (Lol).  

It will be a precious moment and one I’m very much looking forward to!  It’s been a remarkable school year watching each learner grow to their full potential!  My students are truly ready for the next grade level.

Each child has brought home a July kindness calendar and I encourage you to continue making kindness the norm boys and girls!  Enjoy participating in the various activities :)

The famous words "If you can be anything, BE KIND" can and will make our world better and brighter for everyone.

Thank you to all the students who continued to complete their daily homework and in class work diligently even in the last week and day of school!  Now some may have wondered, "Why would Ms. Gill do this?"  

Students still working hard in their math lesson on the last day of school :)

My motto is - work HARD, play HARDER!

In class, we regularly talk about the importance of continuing to build our BRAIN POWER, LEARNING SKILLS & WORK HABITS, and SCDSB's 23 CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES.

For us, LEARNING NEVER STOPS because we want to be the BEST WE CAN BE all day everyday!

Way to go boys and girls, you truly amaze and delight me!!  

Lastly, I encourage all the children to please practice their math facts, R.E.D. (read every day), and take moments to write letters of gratitude for your loved ones.  

After all, we all have people we are thankful, grateful, and appreciate in our daily lives, let them know you care not just on the "special days" like Mother's or Father's Day or Thanksgiving or birthdays :)  

Spread gratitude like confetti - it makes the world go round!

As gift to each other, students did a meaningful activity that focused on sharing positive affirmations about their peers/friends in our class.  

Your child brought this piece home with them and I hope you've had a chance to read these amazing affirmations :)

It's natural to feel insecurities at different times of our lives, it is my hope your child will keep their "YOU ARE AMAZING PLACEMAT" in a safe place so they can refer to it when they may need a 'boost' of positivity to reaffirm all the wonderful qualities that they possess!  

After all, we all need a 'pick me up' from time to time to get out of a sad, worried, anxious, or negative headspace.  

Please enjoy the students writing their affirmations below in such a caring and compassionate manner. 

As an educator, I always want my students to feel:


Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome negative thoughts.  When you repeat them often, and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes.

Many of us do repetitive exercises to improve our physical health, and affirmations are like exercises for our mind (brain) and outlook (perspective).  

These positive mental repetitions can reprogram our thinking patterns so that over time we begin to think and act with a stronger sense of self-worth making you more likely to improve your own well-being :)  HOW AMAZING, I LOVE THIS!!  

I have every confidence your child too will embrace their peers' positive affirmations about them and live a life filled with PEACE, JOY, and HARMONY :-)

I'm confident your child came home on Tuesday raving about our Play Day experience, it was magnificent!!  

Some of the activities we participated in were the following:  skipping, drip drip drop, dragon's tails, art/dance/basketball, soccer baseball, octopus, soccer, relay race, beach volleyball, capture the flag, and target practice.

Please ask your child which station was their favourite :)  Many enjoyed the Drip, Drip, DROP!!!  

All the photos below will surely show you just how much fun we had :-)  

A heartfelt thank you goes out to Mrs. Garvan and the intermediate students who organized all the engaging games.  There was not a moment that we didn't have a smile on our faces!  Thank you, thank you!!

Mme Wylie (left) & Mrs. Garvan (right)

Congratulations to ALL the talent show performers!  I was in awe of the many skills shown!  Nottawa is filled with exceptionally skilled students – wowie!  

In particular, I would like to extend a HUGE congrats to the participants from our class family, namely - Isla, Mae, Hazel, Harlow, Molly, Margot, Cara, Lucy, and Mielle.

You all did an outstanding job and displayed your extraordinary skills in singing, dancing, and puppet show.

It takes a lot of courage to get up in front of a big audience.  You did it with such grace and gentle confidence.  You made our class family so proud!!  Way to go girls  :-)  Check out the images below!

Thank you Lucy and Kaleb so much for your generous donation of tabs for wheelchairs.  

Your willingness to help is making a significant difference in the lives of children with accessibility needs. 

Your kindness and support mean the world to us and to the families who will benefit from your contribution.

Lucy brought in so many tabs, she had a helping hand from Mielle, Jonas, Harlow, and Hazel :)

A huge thank you to Lucy, Isla, and Anna for bringing in delicious rice Krispy squares, cupcakes and cookies for the class!  

Your thoughtful gesture made our end-of-the-school-year celebration and graduation from grade 4 even more special. 

We all enjoyed the treats and your kindness added so much joy to our day!

To help you prepare for a summer break that supports your family’s mental wellness, here are five everyday tips for taking care of your mental health:

Get Outside

Seek out sunshine and fresh air every day.  Being outside in the sun, in green spaces, or in nature helps us to reduce stress and boost hormones that promote happiness.  Consider getting out for a walk each day and taking a book or activity outside.  Dress for the weather and enjoy the outdoors!

Get Active

Walk, stretch, run, hike, bike, swim, dance, jump rope, play a sport, or whatever else you like to do!  Try to get moving for at least 60 minutes every day, or as much as you can.  Exercise is important for our physical health and it can also help improve our mood, reduce stress, and help us sleep better at night.  Find fun ways to exercise with others to stay motivated.  Remember to go at your own pace.

Sleep Well, Eat Well

Children and teens need 10 hours of sleep each night for their bodies and minds to rest and restore. When we get lots of rest, eat a healthy diet, and drink lots of water, it helps our mood and we can think, learn, and act better.  Try cooking together; this can be a fun way to share traditions, recipes, and favourite cultural foods.

Be Creative and Have Fun

Taking part in activities we enjoy can increase our feel-good hormone, dopamine, that boosts positive emotions.  Spending time away from electronics can help encourage free time to play, have fun, and be creative.  When we develop our talents and hobbies it can lead to feelings of accomplishment that boost our feelings of well-being.  Have fun enjoying cultural music, dance, and art together.

Keep Connected

Connecting to family, friends, and neighbours is important for our mental health.  Schedule time with family members to check-in with each other, talk, and have fun together.  Reach out to keep connected to loved ones and friends.  Friendly chats with neighbours and volunteering to help others when we can, are also great ways to support our well-being, as well as those around us.

Take care of yourself this summer – unplug and be in the moment, stay active, be outside in the sunshine and warm weather, keep connected and enjoy a mentally healthy summer break.

As shared above, the summer holiday is here and with this, I encourage you to take quiet moments for yourself to just BE and BREATHE.  SELF-CARE is SO IMPORTANT, you're worth it :)

Kegan leading our guided meditation from DreamWalkers Meditations

Michael meditating after our brain gym session

In class, we meditated twice daily (once after 1st break and again after 2nd break) and I could always count on many students to be models for mindfulness and meditation.  Check out Kegan and Michael above!

Below, I have posted a 5 minute guided meditation for kids that you may wish to try out with your child.  

It features deep breathing techniques, an easy visualization, and relaxing music. It can be used to calm anxiety, stress, or worry. It can also be listened to at bedtime to help your child drift off into a deep and peaceful sleep.
You can use this meditation anytime and it only takes 5 minutes to calm the mind and relax the body. I hope this brings you all continued peace and harmony to seize and savour life's precious moments.

One of my favourite quotes is below and I wanted to share it with you to help extend my sincere gratitude to ALL OF YOU.  

It truly is wonderful to be loved, however for me, the greatest gift I have received from all my students and parents is being seenheard, and valued not solely as a teacher, but more importantly, as a human being.

Thank you for taking the time to value me for who I am; I will never lose sight of your love, care, compassion, and support.

With ever lasting appreciation & respect,
Ms. Gill


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