Week #1: Sept. 5th - 8th

Dear Families,

Welcome to our 2023/2024 Classroom Blog!  I'm so delighted to begin this educational journey with your child and YOU - providing updates and news of ALL our exciting learning and upcoming events from our "Class Family" to your “Home Family.”  

This blog will serve as a tool for us (teacher - parent(s)/guardians) to communicate and celebrate your child's academic, social, emotional, and mental well-being this school year!

If you wish to communicate via email, please don't hesitate to contact me at pgill@scdsb.on.ca 

I check my email regularly and always do my best to respond in a timely manner :)

Please note, I will be updating my blog weekly Every Friday, there will be a NEW POST which specifically highlights the academic, social, and emotional learning that your child's partaking in :) 

That’s right, I will have detailed explanations with photographs about your child's specific learning each week!  

Your child and you are encouraged to visit it over the weekend :) This way, you will be informed weekly about what is happening in our class and help reinforce learned concepts at home too :)

Together, we will work as a dedicated T.E.A.M. = 'Together Everybody Achieves More' to support your child's academic, social, and behavioural goals.

As a teacher, I strongly believe in sound parent-child-teacher communication and working closely to help my students rise to their highest potential!  

Thus far, I have noticed many students are striving to put in their 'Level 4 Personal Best' in tasks set before them.  I am optimistic we will continue our learning journey with purposepassion, and productivity!  

Check us out!  Everyone's attentive & accountable. 
We are learning that READING IS THINKING!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to all the parents who have already actively supported and engaged in their child's learning at home thus far - together, we can make a significant difference by collaborating together.  

I could not do this without your unconditional love and support, it is greatly valued and cherished!

My goal as an educator has always been to help children not only grow as "students," but into the best version of themselves as individuals.  

For me, I believe that the development of good character is a shared responsibility of students, staff, families, and the extended community.

When all the above mentioned members of society embrace opportunities to model, teach, promote and celebrate good character, we build and strengthen learning and working communities that are caring, safe, respectful and inclusive.

Our board’s values are a key part of our commitment to character education.  We refer to our values as our character attributes. 

23 Character Attributes
Kindness: We are friendly, generous, and considerate.
Honesty: We behave in a sincere, trustworthy, and truthful manner.
Empathy: We strive to understand and appreciate the feelings and actions of others.
Respect: We treat ourselves, others, and the environment with consideration and dignity.
Caring: We show kindness towards each other.
Helpfulness: We are giving and ready to provide help.
Inclusiveness: We include everyone in what we do and value their contributions.
Integrity: We act justly and honourably in all that we do.
Responsibility: We are accountable for our actions, and we follow through on commitments.
Courage: We do the right thing even when it’s difficult.
Compassion: We feel deeply for others and are genuinely concerned about their needs.
Love: We have peace with ourselves, balance in life, and acceptance in all things.
Sharing: We give a portion of what we have to others.
Perseverance: We continue to move forward despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
Listening: We pay attention to each other and give attention to one another.
Cooperation: We work together towards shared goals and purposes.
Bravery: We seek strength and face life with courage.
Loyalty: We do not back down, we continue to be devoted.
Humility: We elevate others, practice gratitude, and acknowledge our limitations.
Wisdom: We know that with hard work and dedication will come knowledge.
Truth: We speak in accord with fact or reality.
Trustworthiness: We do the right thing and can be relied on to be honest.
Optimism: We maintain a positive attitude and have hope for the future.

The SCDSB’s character education attributes (listed above) were selected through consultation with students, parent/guardians, community leaders, and organizations to reflect what Simcoe County communities consider important.

In our class, these attributes will be explicitly taught and modelled everyday so that we can learn to use these Character Traits in our daily thoughts, words, and actions.  

In doing so, I strongly believe your child can and will become the best version of themselves EVEN WHEN NO ONE IS WATCHING.

Each month, our class will focus on one of our character attributes.  Character Education is a deliberate effort to nurture universal attributes that transcend racial, religious, socio-economic and cultural lines.  

It is a whole class effort to create a community that promotes the highest standards of student discipline and citizenship.  

This month's character trait is CARING - "We show kindness towards each other." 

There are a lot of different ways you can show somebody you care. Some use their words and some use their actions. 

In the video below, Mr. Saad talks about the different ways you can show your friends and family that you care about them.

After watching the video, please ask your child "How do you show your family you care about them?"

I am very passionate about Truth & Reconciliation with our Indigenous People.  It is very important to me as an educator to teach our children about our history in an honest, age appropriate, and respectful manner.  

A land acknowledgment is an act of reconciliation and respect with, and for, the First Nations People of Simcoe County, on whose land we stand.  

I am proud to share that the land acknowledgments provided below was developed in consultation and partnership with local Indigenous partners.

Here at Nottawa, we say the land acknowledgement (see image below) each and every day to offer our sincere support and that we stand together with Canada's First Nations People.  

Below, you will find a variety of photographs which we have worked on in class to establish our rules and routines.  

My top priority is to ensure your child feels SEEN, HEARD, VALUED, SAFE, and unconditional BELONGING

Every day after O’Canada and the morning announcements, we as a class community say aloud “Our Class Promise” to help us set a positive intention for our school day.  

It has been going very well this week and students are saying it with pride.  There are hand actions that go along with this, see if your child can show you these as they say The Promise.

I hope your child enjoyed sharing his or her goody bag with YOU!  The purpose of this was to warmly welcome all my students and share some special items that have important meanings :)

When your child uses his or her new pencilerasersmartieslifesaver, and starburst, my hope is that he or she remembers what each one represents :-)

At the end of the first day of school, we did a sharing circle called "I'm Bursting to KNOW YOU" (see image below).  

The children had the opportunity to go into his or her gift bag, pick out their Starburst, and they were encouraged to share about a specific experience depending on what colour they had.  

Did your child come home from school this week and share, "Guess what Mom and Dad, Ms. Gill gave us bubble gum!!"  Now I know what you may be thinking, "Is gum even permitted at school?!" 

For the purposes of getting to know our peers, I had students engage in this friendly and fun activity ;)

I am very pleased with how everyone managed their gum chewing, blowing bubbles, and respectfully walking around the classroom genuinely asking their peers about the various categories.  

We definitely had a blast with this!!  Check out the photos below to see for yourself ;)

Perhaps your child has talked about doing “Brain Gym” and “Meditation” in class?  If so, yes we have!  

Each day after our nutrition and fitness breaks, I have been leading brain gym exercises followed by meditation.  

James breathing deeply during meditation. 
Calm, cool, collected :)

I am so proud of you Grace!  Every meditation this week, she's been in the present moment and a model for her peers to just breathe, ahhh :)

Mindfulness serves as a vital tool for students to exercise their brain helpers to improve their focus, concentration, and being more mindful and present in their learning.  

The photograph below shows you our mindfulness wall and students’ responses about how brain gym and meditation helps us! 

One of the "helper of the day's" responsiblity will be to lead our class in these exercises which will increase their confidence and leadership skills.  

Thus far, Isla and Malcolm have been leaders for this!!  Way to go you two :-)

Can your child state all the "brain helpers” and their function without referring to these images?  

If not YET, no worries, we will be referring to these all year long so students will get a greater understanding of their powerful brain and how they can TRAIN THEIR BRAIN to help them be the best version of themselves.

Your extraordinary brain has many regions which control different functions and like any great team, they work best when they work together!

In the videos below, you will take a tour to meet these regions and learn more about how they operate!

When students understand that they are in control of their brains, they are empowered to learn, to grow, and to seek out challenges for a lifetime of learning.

This year, it is my goal to help my learners foster this skill through an understanding of age-appropriate neuroscience. Check out the videos below to learn more :-)

The story below is about KINDNESS, INCLUSIVITY, and DIVERSITY all which are and will be an important and ongoing theme in our classroom this year.

Please take some time to watch, listen, and follow a group of children through a day in their school, where everyone is welcomed with open arms.

All Are Welcome lets young children know that no matter what, they have a place, they have a space, and they are welcome in their school.

What is it?  "In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work.  

Brains and talent are just the starting point.  This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment." 

Studies have been done to show the significant difference in a child's confidence and belief in themselves and their abilities when they think in growth mindset ways.  Change your words. Change your MINDset.  

In our class, I have dedicated a wall that teaches our children to train their brain to think, speak, and act in ways that promote growth as opposed to fixed mindsets.  

Please listen to this creative story (below) which teaches children (and adults) the valuable lesson that BECOMING IS BETTER than being, which can open the door to a whole new world of possibilities!  

The story will soon teach you a valuable lesson and will open your mind and heart to embrace a 'bubble gum brain' (growth mindset) as opposed to a 'brick brain' (fixed mindset). 

I truly feel, if we begin thinking in positive ways, we will act in it!  We not only help ourselves achieve our best, but we create a classroom community that emits growth :)

For some, math can be an intimidating subject.  I know it was for me when I was in school.  

As a teacher now, I want to help your child feel success and that they can achieve their VERY BEST in math. 

Throughout the school year, I will be sharing meaningful mindset videos and math posters to shift our thinking from a ‘fixed mindset’ to a ‘growth mindset.’ 

This being, that when we make mistakes, it’s not a negative thing, instead, it helps us learn and grow our brain power!  

Check out the video below which empowers children to take risks, embrace challenges, and understand that when we struggle, it's actually our greatest opportunity to enrich our knowledge of concepts.  

Below, you will find your child in math action cooperatively solving a math question that I posed for the class.   Check it out :-)

This task served to be challenging for many, but with mistakes, we learned from them and applied the skills that were required with practice, Practice, PRACTICE! 
Way to go boys & girls :)

Students worked in a THINK!  PAIR!  SHARE GROUPINGS! to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding.  We made time to consolidate (share) our mathematical processes. 

Overall, this was a wonderful opportunity for me to get a glimpse of HOW your child cooperates and collaborates :-)  

Please know, we will have many opportunities in class to participate in group work this year, so there will be an emphasis on effectively working in a group.  

I did a mini lesson on this and students learned strategies to constructively work with their classmates.  

See images below of the children working cooperatively as a T.E.A.M.

Terry Fox is an excellent model for growth mindset.  He taught us the importance of NEVER GIVING UP no matter the challenge or obstacle set before us.  

It's hard to believe any greater challenge to face than cancer, yet he continued to believe and his powerful messages of #courage #resilience #hope #perseverance lives on to this day! 

In class, Terry's thoughts, words, and actions will be emphasized daily :)  We can be like Terry's Mindset too, if we TRY

As you may have noticed in your child's agenda, each week, we will post a new Growth Mindset quote on my blog as well as in the classroom for my students to visibly see every day and they will also write it down in their agenda and share with you!  

If you and/or your child have a growth mindset that you'd like me to share with the class, I encourage you to jot it down on a sticky note, bring it to school in the agenda, and I will post it in our classroom :)    

Thank you to all the families who took the time to fill in the student information sheet.  I am very grateful for the thoroughness that went into this process.  

Your input will serve as a very valuable tool for me to get to know your child and how I can best meet their academic, social, emotional, and behavioural strengths and needs.

If you have not sent it in yet, no worries, please do so at your earliest convenience.  Thank you :)

Did your child share with you about his or her experience on our mindful walk?  If so, that's terrific!!  

Throughout the school year, our class will be spending quality time in nature, there is SO MUCH WE CAN LEARN by seizing and connecting with Mother Earth.

Here at Nottawa, we are so fortunate to be surrounded by beautiful trees, trails, and the mountains.  There is a lovely loop around our school that we took the time to check out.  We LOVED IT!!

On a personal note, I'm an avid hiker and love being outside in nature!  I spend a lot of time on my weekends trekking the amazing trails and hills in our area!  It truly brings peace to my mind, body, and spirit :)  

Now I'm sharing my passion for the outdoors with my students too!  Going on mindful walks gives us opportunities to offer our gratitude to our beautiful surroundings and socialize with our peers in a respectful manner.  

Have you visited our school rotunda yet?!  If not, it's a must!  If you have, then you will know exactly how amazing it's transformed into an artistic masterpiece!!

That's right, local artist Shandelle McCurdie (Magic Children of Art Teacher) was the artist and visionary who created this awe worthy mural for us.  

She took inspiration from our local surroundings and families from our school and painted it onto our walls.  

Meet Shandelle!

Today (Friday), we were fortunate to have Shandelle visit our school for an assembly to help honour her work and give her the opportunity to share all about her creation and the inspiration behind each part of the mural.  

It was VERY MEANINGFUL as it gave our school community a greater appreciation for the contents in the mural.

I want to personally thank Shandelle for all her time, efforts, and love that went into this project.  She spent 1.5 months during her summer to complete it and we are all thrilled with its result!!

If you didn't know, Shandelle is also the artist behind this magical butterfly (see below) in the Art District of Collingwood (near Low Down) as well as another soccer inspired mural at Fisher Fields.  Isn't she amazing!?

I am grateful to have crossed paths with this inspiring artist, activist, and human being.  Shandelle has been in my classrooms in the past and has shared her love for art with all the children.  I can't wait to collaborate with her again in the future! 

Thank you Malcolm, Isla, Mae, Molly, Ayden, and Libby for bringing in tabs to help support our class initiative.  

We are learning that "LIVING IS GIVING" and what better way than to help children in need :)

Now you may be wondering, how will the tabs be useful?  Before reading below, I encourage you to ask your child about this first and see if they are able to share its importance with you :)

Our class is going to support The Robert Hampson Tabs for Kids Fund.  This organization works to raise funds to purchase accessibility devices for children

To learn more about Tabs for Kids, I have posted a link below :)

We will be collecting tabs for the remainder of the school year and see what amount we come up with at the end of June when I will then deliver it to the organization.  Many thanks in advance for your contributions!

On our second day of school, marevelous Molly came to school and gifted me with these very important growth mindsets for our class family!!  

When Molly talked about these mindset messages with the class, she said, "When I saw these, I didn't even know I would be in Ms. Gill's class, but I knew I was going to give them to her anyways because I knew she'd LOVE THEM, and she does!"

Molly, as always you've filled my heart with joy!!  Your gift is now posted proudly in our classroom for us all to benefit from too :-)  I will cherish your thoughtfulness and love these always!!

Pride Stone painted and decorated by Molly. 

In this moving short film (below), take a moment to watch and hear from elementary school students learning to use mindfulness to navigate complex feelings.  

In class, we will regularly participate in mindfulness activities such as BRAIN GYM and MEDITATION.  

Students are enjoying these tools to help with smoother transitions from recess to back to in class learning.  

It truly is remarkable the profound impact it has on their focus, energy, and output in their learning.  Our classroom instantaneously becomes such a calm and peaceful environment.  

Now, please take a moment to watch the video below and ask your child the following: 

What are some of mindfulness strategies used in the video to help you calm down when you're feeling upset or unsettled?  

Just before bedtime, try sitting or laying down and meditate for 1 minute.  Try breathing deeply in and out.  Sweet dreams :)

hank you) to you (parents) for taking the time and energy to read my very first (thorough ;) blog post.  

I look forward to continuing to share all our key learning accompanied with photographs with you next Friday :)  Stay tuned!!

Growing up, I became accustomed to hearing the common phrase "practice makes perfect."  As I grew older, I began to question this and asked myself "Is anybody perfect?  Should we strive for perfection or progression?"  

In my mind and heart, as individuals we can always build upon (progress) our skills with effort and I believe we are all LIFE LONG LEARNERS.  

We will be faced with many adversities, but we must look to these as opportunities to learn and grow!  

In doing so, we can and will become the BEST VERSION OF OURSELVES.

As an educator, I am not looking for any of my students to be "perfect."  Truthfully, I wouldn't even know what that looks like.  

All I ask is that your child TRIES THEIR BEST (effort) to MAKE PROGRESS (gains) at their own pace through practice, Practice, PRACTICE.

I look forward to sharing weekly mindset messages so we all can train our brains to think positively especially when faced with challenges!  

Meegwich (please ask your child what this means),
Ms. Gill


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