Week #4: Sept. 25th - 29th

Dear Families,

Wowie, we're almost into the month of October!?  Fall is such a beautiful time of year and we're so fortunate to live in a community (Nottawa/Collingwood/Duntroon/Singhampton) that is surrounded with abundant trails, trees, and nature so we can admire the changing colours of beautiful reds, oranges, and yellow!  I love it!!

I know of the many families from our school who rejoice in spending quality time outdoors hiking, biking, walking, and running so you know first hand what a beautiful area we get to live, work, and play in!  

I look forward to being outside this weekend in the woods hiking as it is going to be sunny and bright!  I hope you all will too :)

It was an absolute joy connecting with all the parents and children who were able to come meet me, see our classroom, and rejoice in all the wonderful new learning your child is partaking in thus far this school year! 

I could see, hear, and feel your child's enthusiasm ready to show, share, and celebrate their work folder of their 'First 4 Weeks of Grade 4.'  

All pride & smiles, thanks Malcolm for always being and doing your BEST!

Could not wait to share with Daddy at Meet the Teacher :)  Way to go, Mae!

Thank you (parents) for your time and energy that you are consistently providing your child in their academics and BEYOND!  It's making a difference in building their confidence and comfort as they continue to embark in the junior division.

Here are some samples of student work that was shared at Meet the Teacher

I thoroughly enjoyed our conversations and I am so grateful I have your (parental) support to continue meeting your child's academic, social, emotional and mental well-being.  Your enthusiasm and efforts to be a T.E.A.M. is greatly valued and cherished!

Below, you will see a collection of my slideshow photos (click each to enlarge it) that I created to help celebrate and honour the amazing learning we're doing such as:
  • Building a SAFE, INCLUSIVE, and WELCOMING community for all learners
  • Forming a T.EA.M. mentality 
  • Using RESILIENCE & PERSEVERANCE when faced with challenges
  • Demonstrating SCDSB's 23 CHARACTER ATTRIBUTES 
Please note, the key learning goals & success criteria stated will be an ongoing theme in our classroom for the remainder of the school year because I strongly feel it helps children not only grow as students, but as people (the best version of themselves).

If at any time you wish to contact or set up a meeting with me, please do not hesitate to.

I can be reached via the agenda, phone call at the school (705. 445. 1827), or by email: pgill@scdsb.on.ca 

Your child's academic, social, emotional, and mental well-being is of utmost importance to me :) 

The kids enjoyed this fun & friendly activity with their parents :)
Were you able to guess your child's face portrait?


Have you heard the word reconciliation before? It comes up a lot around Orange Shirt Day, which is marked every year in Canada on Sept. 30th as a day to raise awareness about the horror faced by Indigenous people who were forced to attend Canadian residential schools. 

Reconciliation means to reconcile or restore friendly relations. The goal of reconciliation is to heal the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in Canada. 

In 2021, Canada announced that Sept. 30th would officially be called the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and federal workers would be given the day off in order to acknowledge that history. 

What does reconciliation look like? Click play to watch CBC Kids News contributor Isabel DeRoy Olson explain :)


September 30th is the day kids and adults across Canada are encouraged to wear orange, as a way to honour & remember Indigenous residential school survivors and those who never made it home. 

It also serves as a reminder that every child in Canada matters — including Indigenous kids, who have a history of being mistreated. 

Orange Shirt Day is taking on a new and important role in reconciliation, which is the process of healing the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. 

CBC Kids News asked a group of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people to share their thoughts on Sept. 30 and why it’s meaningful to them. 

Watch this informative video below to hear from these remarkable Indigenous change-makers! 

I deeply appreciate all the staff, students, and parents who wore an orange shirt today to remember and honour our First Nations, Metis, and Inuit children who attended residential schools from the 1870's - 1990's.  

A special shout out to Finn & Malcolm who are honouring Truth & Reconciliation Day even while they were away at hockey.  This makes my heart soar with joy! 
Your commitment to showing your honour for our Indigenous People of Canada is inspiring!  Meegwich :)

As many may be aware by now, Truth & Reconciliation Day is very near and dear to my heart.  I believe it must not solely be recognized on the 30th of September, but everyday!!!  

Thank you Mrs. Mortimer for ensuring we have our very own brand new Every Child Matters flag hung up in our Rotunda which will be proudly displayed all day every day!

My former students Emma & Clara (grade 5 now).  Love your shirts girls!!

In our THOUGHTS, WORDS, and ACTIONS - we will demonstrate that EVERY CHILD MATTERS, now and ALWAYS!!!

Mrs. Newman's grade 3's whom I share a special connection with and just had to get a photo with their one of a kind orange shirts :-)

Since the beginning of school, our class has done a lot of thinking and learning about the survivors and non-survivors of the residential school experience.  

It brings me immense joy seeing my students demonstrating such empathy (thinking about the feelings of others) towards all First Nations, Inuit, and Metis men and women who attended residential schools.  This truly demonstrates true character and I'm so proud of my students!

I am grateful to be surrounded with these children who want to do their part towards reconciliation!

We have discussed that we cannot change the past, but it is UP TO US to make a BETTER and BRIGHTER PRESENT AND FUTURE.  

To help achieve this goal of ours, we have an anchor chart posted in our classroom about ways that WE can move towards RECONCILIATION

We promise to keep listeningreflecting, and making our efforts to reconcile (heal & make peace) with our Indigeneous brothers and sisters.

Check out this link -->  Medicine Wheel Publishing for more resources to learn the meaning behind the phrase, ‘Every Child Matters.’

Orange Shirt Day founder, Phyllis Webstad, offers insights into this heartfelt movement.  Every Child Matters honours the history and resiliency of Indigenous Peoples on Turtle Island and moves us all forward on a path toward Truth and Reconciliation.

Phyllis is well respected for her work, her courage and for striving to heal our communities and Nation through speaking her truth.

Here at Nottawa, WE CARE about what HAPPENED to the First People of Canada.  It is OUR MISSION to continue to LEARN & GROW from the past to help create a better and brighter present and future!!  

Check our Freddy's hand sewn medicine wheel on his t-shirt.  AMAZING!!

Together, we can MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!

I would like to share about this photo below because it shows the continued care and compassion the students I've taught have.  

Below is a photograph of my former students Jeremy & Parker who were in grade 4 at the time, they're now in grade 8, wowie time flies!!! 

Jeremy, Parker and I (Sept. 2019)

Parker (middle) gifted me his orange shirt because he noticed I didn't have one (I'm wearing a Halloween shirt inside out).  He came back the next day to give it to me and said, "Hey Ms. Gill, I want you to have this shirt, my Mom has lots from Georgian College so we can both have one."  

I have the orange shirt that Parker gifted me four years ago and I wore it with pride today.  I was also lucky enough to capture a photo with my boys and I am ever so grateful with the connection we continue to share :)

Thank you Parker and Jeremy for being leaders of our school and demonstrating that Every Child Matters.  You're doing your part for reconciliation.  I love (accept) and appreciate YOU BOTH!

Jeremy, Parker and I (Sept. 29, 2023)

Thank you James for bringing in feathers to share with our class family.  Each student received one to take home with them as a reminder for us to always respect, remember, and make efforts to reconcile with our Indigenous People. 

James lovingly placed one feather on each students' desk and I hope your child will keep it somewhere special to show they connection and care for First Nation, Metis, and Inuit people of Canada.

Thank you Cara for embracing your feather and using it to help inspire you and those around you towards reconciliation & respect :)

Throughout the week, we've been listening to the stories by various Indigenous authors about First Nations and Indigenous children's experiences at residential schools.  

When I've been sharing the books, songs, and video recordings, students are fully engagedattentive, and truly expressed their empathy as they think about the feelings of all the Indigenous boys and girls affected by attending residential schools. 

In the link below, Chief Robert Joseph shares his experience as a residential school survivor and the importance of truth and reconciliation in Canada.

After viewing the video in class, I was so moved by my students curiosity, questions, responses, and learning to be truly grateful to be in our school that is safe and fosters equality and love.

After several oral discussions, students were given the opportunity to think about and reflect upon the following questions:

  • What does wearing an Orange Shirt mean to you?  
  • Why do we have a Truth & Reconciliation Day?
  • What does Phyllis Webstad's message "Every Child Matters" mean to you?
Students used the template below to record their responses.  We worked hard on this in class and our writing thus far is filled with empathyhonour, and respect for our Indigenous Peoples.  

Check us out below as we respectfully and lovingly recorded our thoughts, feelings, and emotions :)

Please note, your child's Truth & Reconciliation Day writing will come home in the next while for you to read, learn from, and admire, stay tuned!

As part two to honouring The Day of Truth & Reconciliation, each student also has started their own logo for an orange shirt day design using a specific criteria:
  • You must create an original design
  • The t-shirt must be mostly orange
  • The message "Every Child Matters" must be present

Kaleb working hard on his unique logo & design.  Well done, kiddo!

We will continue working on these next week and I'm excited to see your child's finalized DESIGN & LOGO!!

As the school year progresses, you will soon realize that I don't take many days away from school. However if I am away from the portable, it's due to attending a workshop to continue my professional development or coaching a team sport (intermediate girls basketball/ junior boys volleyball).

On Tuesday, I was away for a workshop for "Leading Mentally Healthy Schools."  I am very passionate about teaching Mental Health & Well-Being with my students.  

The goal of the workshop was learning the basic knowledge and information related to mental health, strategies to enhance student mental health, and everyday practices for use in the classroom.

Mental illness is a very common form of human pain and suffering. Being a good listener and asking how you can help or simply just being there for people you care about can be the first step to recovery.

We as a class family are so fortunate that we participate in wellness strategies each and everyday such as participating in brain gym, meditation, yoga, and breathing exercises. 

Taking care of our mental wellness is equally as important as tending to our physical well-being.

Together we have taken big steps to reduce the stigma around mental health issues, inspire one another to take action, and help create a Canada where everyone can access the mental health support they need.

Here is a heart soaring note that I received from the supply teacher who was in for me on Tuesday while I was at the workshop for Building Mentally Healthy Schools.  Please click the image to enlarge it:)

We received a Class Report Card and our results are extraordinary!
Listening:  9/10
Effort:  9/10
Respect:  10/10

It brings me immense happiness because your child demonstrated INTEGRITY, he/she was trustworthy, hardworking, and respectful even when I wasn't watching. 

This is truly a teacher's dream come true!  Thank you boys and girls for being THE BEST YOU with and without me.

I will keep this note hanging up proudly in our classroom as a reminder for us all to continue our kind, caring, and compassionate behaviour towards everybody who joins our classroom :) 

#charactermatters  #bethebestversionofyou

This month’s character recipients were recognized for their CARING & KINDNESS – “We show kindness towards each other.”  

Each month, I will take time on my blog posts to share and honour our class' recipients. 

I strongly believe an important part of your child's education is building and instilling character attributes in their thoughts, words, and actions.  

As a teacher, I always do my best to model good character.  In order to get respect, we need to give it!  

Each day, I strive to get your child's respect by conducting myself in a sensitive, compassionate and kind manner.  #respectisearned

This week, we recognized students from grades K-8 for their Character.  Congratulations goes to Kaelynn, Danika, and Wyatt for demonstrating CARING & KINDNESS on a consistent basis! 

You are true models for 'showing kindness towards your peers, teachers, and friends!'  

Thank you for setting a positive example in and out of our classroom community!  I am so proud of you all!  

This week, I sent home a Stone Soup Celebration Invitation.  Please ensure that you send in your R.S.V.P. at your earliest convenience.  

This is very important and helpful as I prepare the children's speaking parts, seating arrangement, and finally to ensure that I have the required amount of items to enjoy our soup!

Additionally, if you know for certain that your child WILL NOT be present for this special presentation, please let me know ASAP with a note in the agenda.  

I realize the Thanksgiving Long Weekend is approaching and some families may wish to take the day to travel.  However, I do highly encourage your child's participation as Stone Soup is an event he or she and YOU won't want to miss. 

Now, if you wish to pick up your child earlier on Fri. Oct. 6th, you may do so, they will be freed up by 1:20PM :-)

Below are some images from last year to help you get a visual of what the experience looks like :)  It truly was a heart soaring afternoon :-)

I will be sure to capture images of this year's Stone Soup too.  I have a very reliable family friend who always helps me out with this.

On the day of the event, I request that your child please dress in a black top and bottoms.  I will provide a coloured bandana to top off our 'look' ;)  

We're striving to look, sound, and feel like a community of learners :)

In the chart below, you will find your child's name and please think about a vegetable he or she can volunteer to bring in and I will add to the list :)

We started a list in class so that we have a variety of vegetables to go into our soup creation :-)  

Stone Soup Vegetable Contributions

August - 

Grace - 1 sweet potato

Kaleb -

Kegan - carrots

Lucy -

Anna -

Isla -

Cara -

Wyatt - 

Malcolm -

Margot - T.B.D.

Ayden -

Finn -

Kaelynn -

Benton -

Danika - 2 potatoes

Molly -

Mae -

Michael -

William - carrots 

Kieran - 1 clove of garlic 

James -

Elle - red/orange pepper

Sophie - 1 onion

Jonas -

Libby -

I ask that all veggies come to school on Tues. Oct. 3rd.  On this day, your child may also bring in a peeler to school as we will require this to do some peeling when we're preparing the soup.

Below are some of the kids from last year preparing their vegetables for Stone Soup.  We LOVED it and I am optimistic by seeing these images, your child will be super duper pumped to have this experience next week too!

Thank you to all the students who are interested in contributing to our soup building.  Please know, your donations of vegetables are appreciated!

Many thanks in advance for your support in our special community building event!


“The secret to living is giving.  Be part of something that’s bigger than yourself.” - Tony Robbins

To feed your spirit, remember this: The secret to living is giving.  No matter how busy we get, I truly believe, we always have time to offer our support to people in need of our help.

Let’s NOT miss the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others!  "Humanity’s life matters – and if we align ourselves to be congruent with the truth that we’re here not just to “get,” but to give, then other people will feel our authenticity and make our community better and brighter for one and all!"

When we give back to other people and our community, it reminds us what we’re made for.  Focusing on the needs of others has a way of motivating us to do more than we thought possible.  We feel the benefits immediately. We become more productive.  We find creative solutions to problems.  We find strength when we’re exhausted.  When we contribute to our community, we become part of something that is bigger than ourselves.

This school year, it is our class family's mission to think about the feelings of others and GIVE BACK to a variety of charities and organizations:  

  • Tabs for Kids (making wheelchairs & accessibility items for kids)

  • Terry Fox Foundation (Cancer Research)

  • Collingwood Food Bank (Thanksgiving Food Drive)

  • My Friends’ House (Safe Haven for abused women and their children)

  • Sick Kids/Ronald McDonald House (Safe place for families to stay when their sick child is getting treatment)

  • Home Horizon (Transforming the lives of youth at risk of homelessness)

  • Water First (Canada's leading charitable organization working with Indigenous communities to resolve local water challenges)


THANKSGIVING FOOD DRIVE:  Beginning next week, if you wish, please send in a canned food & non-perishable food item with your child by FRIDAY OCTOBER 9th.

In our class family, we LIVE and GIVE BACK!

I will deliver all donations to the Collingwood Food Bank over the Thanksgiving Long Weekend. Thank you in advance for your contributions :)

Beginning October 10th (after the Thanksgiving Long Weekend), your child will be assigned homework (see picture below) for WORD STUDY and EXTRA MATH PRACTICE. 

Please know the purpose of this is for your child to not only practice learned concepts at home, but also to gain valuable learning skills and work habits such as: 

  • responsibility 
  • initiative 
  • organization
  • independent work 
  • collaboration 
  • self-regulation.  

I believe working on these skills at a young age will serve your child well and prepare them as they head into higher grades in their academic journey :)  

I have prepared a parent note for my homework expectations.  It will come home with your child in his or her agenda.  Stay tuned!

Once a week on day 2's, students will have an opportunity to sign out a book from the library from Mrs. Johnson.  I will do a mini-lesson around “Making Good Reading Choices.”  

Throughout my years of teaching, I notice that many students lean towards choosing books of interest, which is a GREAT thing, but I also want them to be mindful of choosing a “’JUST RIGHT” book.  

For example, a “just right” book: perfect choice for grade level, some difficult words, but you can learn them, read for enjoyment, become a better reader, and read it fluently (sounds like talking).  

Here's a chart posted in our classroom to help us make the right choices.  Check it out below! 

When your child comes home with his or her library book, it is my hope, it will be one that isn’t too easy, isn’t too challenging, but … JUST RIGHT!

Our school's Terry Fox Run will be taking place on Friday October 6th during periods 5 & 6.  

Each year, I am so touched by all the generous contributions that our families and children provide to our fundraising page.  

If you are willing and able to do so, Mrs. Johnson has set that up yet again (thank you) and I have provided the link below :)  Our school's goal is to raise $5, 800.  I have every confidence we can DO IT!

Click the link below to make your donation :)

I visited our link earlier and noticed many families have already donated, thank you!  I would personally like to give a shout out to Isla and her siblings who did a summer lemonade stand and contributed all the funds from it ($70.00).  AMAZING!!

Please know we deeply appreciate everyone who has and will donate.  Your contributions are being put forward to helping find a CURE FOR CANCER.

Next Friday, we encourage the children and staff of Nottawa to wear their Terry Fox t-shirts proudly to honour our Canadian Hero!!  See images below for inspiration :-)

Mr. Bridson & I (Oct. 2022)
We are inspired by Terry Fox each and every day!

I love your Terry Fox t-shirt, Jonas!!

Wonderful messaging!!

My students' contributions to thinking about the feelings of others continues.  Thank you Molly, Benton, William, and Ayden for bringing in Tabs for Kids!

Check it out, Molly brought in 116 tabs :)  Thanks for counting and keeping track!

Your dedication to helping children with accessibility needs is valued and appreciated beyond measure.  Thank you boys and girls for being YOU!!

The children know how much I encourage positive affirmations and we are doing our best to incorporate this into our daily thoughts, words, and actions.

Here is an example of this - Grace & Elle came to school and said, "Ms. Gill, we would like to give you these stones.  They have affirmations on them and I think it will help our class family."

Upon seeing, hearing, and feeling this, it immediately brought joy to my heart!  

Both the girls lovingly placed their Peace & Faith stones on a table where students may readily access it when they require a little boost of positivity and hope.  Thank you, thank you!

Thank you Molly for continuing to demonstrate your care and compassion for your peers and friends.  Your sensitivity and dedication to the well-being of others is awe-inspiring!!

You truly are one of a BEAUTY KIND!!  Keep up your tremendous leadership Moll's :-)

Supporting Kaelynn using technology and programming for our mindfulness

Being there for others during Brain Gym (giving energy to our hippocampus)

Connecting our left and right hemisphere of our brains

As we move forward and to demonstrate our respect & reconciliation, our class will continue to learn more about the culture, heritage, traditions, languages of our First Nation, Metis, and Inuit people.

Orange Shirt Day marks its 10th anniversary this year.

I'm excited to share Orange Shirt Day founder Phyllis Webstad answering kids’ questions about the history of the commemorative day and residential schools. It was recorded on Sept. 25th, 2023.

I urge you to please watch the interview below with your child :)

Click the link below!

This interview brought tears to my eyes as it was emotional, heartfelt, and gave me hope for our future. We're in good hands with our children who will continue to promote the importance of Every Child Matters.

Now that you've watched the video, I encourage you now to please think about ways that you as a family will RECONCILE with Indigenous people in your thoughts, words, and actions.  

What will you do?

I came across this image this week and it really resonated with me and I just had to share.  Isn't it marvelous?!  

I often share with my students, by having an 'Attitude of Gratitude' at the forefront of our mindset, it can and will contribute to our life being filled with joy!

Give it a try!  My wish and prayer for you all is to continue to find and rejoice in the GLIMMERS of your life :) 

Che Meegwich,
Ms. Gill


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