Week #31: April 22nd - 26th

Dear Families,

We had yet another productive week of learning!  We spent quality time thinking about, reflecting upon, and honouring Mother Earth.  

Of course we spent quality time outdoors connecting with nature as we learned about Earth Day and ways to protect & preserve our planet :)  Check us out!

Many students told me that they've already shared some of our discussions with you at home and you were very intrigued as we've been learning about a very important crisis - CLIMATE CHANGE.  

As a result of this, we know now more than ever before, our Earth needs us to make wiser more mindful choices.

We need to INVEST IN OUR PLANET!  Get Inspired.  Take Action. Be a part of the Green Revolution.

For Earth Day 2024, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably).  Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet.

The video below shares about the harmful impacts of plastic.

Plastics are linked to elevated risks of autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease, respiratory problems, and more. Industry giants have known for decades, but the truth is just starting to surface. This Earth Day, join EARTHDAY.ORG in the fight to #EndPlastics with 3 actions that have an endless impact.

For more information, I urge you as a family to get out the following link -->  Invest in Our Planet!

Below, many of us are dressed in GREEN (represents the land) and BLUE (represents the oceans, lakes, rivers, ponds) to show our dedication to our planet to help it get greener and cleaner!! 

Thank you boys and girls for not only showing school spirit, but more importantly, demonstrating your commitment to being an environmental activist to help PROTECT, RESTORE, and FUN for preserving the planet!

This week, our class dedicated our energies to do a deep dive into expanding our knowledge and understanding about our Earth and completing initiatives to help preserve and protect it.  It was remarkable for me to see, hear, and feel how much the children are concerned and care for our precious planet!  

One of the first initiatives we took was to honour my former students' very own Planet Pledge. 

Our class shared this Pledge with the whole school over the announcements.  We want to help make a difference not solely for our class family, but for the SCHOOL FAMILY!

I have shared many times with my class, and I trust you believe in this too that we must honour and celebrate Earth Day every day!  After all, it's not just a "day," it's a MOVEMENT and this require daily action!

The time is NOW my friends to bring about positive change.  It is up to us to make a significant difference not just for our generation, but for generations to come!

We must always make an effort to be mindful of reducing, reusing, and recycling when ever we can.  We have one planet, it is up to us to help it!  There is NO PLANET B!

Another significant initiative we took this week was going outside and doing a community clean up.  As Greta has taught us, "no one is too small to make a difference!"  

That's certainly been our mentality :-)  We were very eager to do our part demonstrating our care and compassion for the environment and nature

As you'll soon see below, we enjoyed this process and are always ready to lend a helping hand!  We were able to collect one whole garbage bag full of plastics, styro-foam and other trash found in the neighbourhood near our school.  #staygreenNottawa

Way to go boys and girls, a job well done!  

Who is Greta Thunberg? What is climate change? Please ask your child about this prior to reading on. We did a thorough discussion about this and I believe you'll be quite impressed with their deeper knowledge and understanding :)

Below is a very meaningful book called "Greta and the Giants." This story is inspired by Greta Thunberg a 20 year old environmental activist who is known for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change.

I've shared this book in class, but I have also posted an online version for you below so you too can listen and learn about the dire need to help our planet.

"The story you've just heard has a happy ending. But in the real world, Greta is still fighting the "giants." They might not be as easy to see as they are in this book, but they are there. Some of the giants don't want to change their ways. That's why Greta needs OUR HELP."

"There is a natural solution to the climate breakdown: Protecting forests. Climate activist Greta Thunberg and writer and climate activist George Monbiot explain." Please watch this inspiring video below and discuss its importance as a family :)

Greta's care and concern for climate change is powerful. She is here to unite humanity to make a difference before it's too late. "Climate change means the world is getting hotter and hotter and this is causing a lot of damage."

Scientists all agree that this rising temperature is down to human activity. When we burn coal, oil, and gas (called "fossil fuels"), something called carbon dioxide is released into the air and this makes the world warm up. The polar ice is melting and sea levels are rising. Forests are being chopped down and animals are left homeless :(

"Did you know the Earth is already 1 degree Celsius hotter than it used to be? This has caused worse wildfires, storms, droughts, and floods, and more than 1 million people living near the coast have been forced to leave their homes."

"If we carry on as we are, things will only get worse. Climate change is the biggest crisis humans have ever faced."

"Greta knew all of this and she couldn't understand why no one was doing anything about it. So, when she was only 15 years old, she went on strike from school, sitting outside the Swedish government building and holding a sign that said, "Strike for climate!"

"Over time, people stopped to join her and now, her protest has encouraged children and adults from all over the world to stand up for climate change too. Greta has spoken to politicians from many different countries, and in 2019 she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize."

Let us all be like Greta and take immediate action before it's too late!


Here are some things YOU CAN do to help Greta:
  • learn everything you can about climate change.  Tell your friends and family all about what we have learned in class
  • ask your parents or guardians to take you on a climate protest so you can stand up to "giants."  Write a letter to or visit your elected officials to ask them to stop climate change
  • walk, run, cycle, or take the bus or train instead of getting in the car or taking a plane.  This means LESS FOSSIL FUELS are burned
  • try to get your family to eat less meat.  Ask your parents or guardian to buy food made nearby instead of from a far-away country
  • look after the things you have.  Mend them when they are broken instead of buying new things.  Share them with your friends when you've finished with them

"You might think that it won't make a difference, but if we all work together, WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD!"

Our focus in reading and writing has been on Earth Week activities.  Your child lovingly completed a collection of meaningful tasks which promotes taking action to help preserve and protect our planet!

If you haven't already, please take some time to sit with your child and read over their various responses.  I think you will be delighted with what they wrote especially the sheet about "I am a PLANET PROTECTOR" :)

We also discussed the importance of why we need to STOP PLASTIC POLLUTION IN OUR OCEANS FOR GOOD!  Please watch this 4:30 minute video to learn more.

Our oceans are being filled and killed by throwaway plastics. But together, we can create a movement to reduce throwaway plastic at the source and save our oceans.

Oceana and its allies are already winning plastic-free victories -- victories that aren't possible without your help. Are you ready to be part of our movement to #BreakFreeFromPlastic?


Earlier this week on Google Classroom, I posted a Mystery Science lesson and activity for the children to complete.  Check it out!

Mystery Science is an innovative, standards-aligned, hands-on curriculum that teaches children how to think like scientists. 

The lessons and instruction helps kids to better understand and communicate about the world around them through writing, discussion, and exploration.

The material posted directly links to this week's Earth Week learning - Does Trash Last Forever?  
Give the video a listen and then discuss its contents with your child :)

Thank you Isla, Michael, and Libby for taking the time to share special Earth Day posters and muffins with me.  

The posters are hung up proudly in our classroom as we continue to think about our planet :)

Libby shared, "I was out with my Dad and came across these Earth Day inspired muffins and thought you'd like them."  Aww, I sure do - thank you!

Thank you to Jonas, Kaleb, Kieran, Kaelynn, and Mae for contributing so many batteries from your homes which will now be saved from going into our landfill and successfully recycled!  

Your contributions are making a difference and have inspired your peers to think about and do their part too :)

Please consider NEVER throwing out batteries, this is why!  Check out the video below for more information :)

Coding has been such an engaging and interactive concept for the students.  I am sure they've been buzzing about this at home too ;)

We completed another coding lessons this week and I am so proud of how our skills have developed in such a short period of time.  

I encourage your child to access Google Classroom and complete Activity #2:  Let's Code "Lobster Trap."  Please ask them to show you their skills :)

Check us out below in ScratchJr. Coding action ;)  We are learning to create & code a variety of games!

Please note, I have and will continue to post all the coding activities we work on on our Google Classroom for the children and you to access at home and get coding!

Every Tuesday, I have been assigning Knowledgehook Missions for students to build upon their knowledge/understanding, thinking, and application skills in specific areas of the math curriculum that we have been focusing on.

As students complete work in Missions, they earn stars towards a Mathalon!  This is a great motivator that rewards perseverance and encourages a growth mindset!

Some students received a FULL MATHALON certificate earning 250 gold stars by working through the grade 4 curriculum.  

Some students received a HALF MATHALON certificate earning 125 gold stars by working through the grade 4 curriculum.

FULL MATHALON WINNERS:  Congratulations to August, Ayden, Margot, Kaleb, Malcolm, Jonas, and Libby for this achievement!

HALF MATHALON WINNERS:  Congratulations to Benton, Cara, Anna, Molly, Mielle, Harlow, Kieran, Lucy, Mae, Hazel, and Michael.

Please note:  If your child did not receive a certificate this indicates that he or she has not consistently accessed Knowledgehook and completed his or her assigned homework (aka 'Missions').

I encourage every student to fulfill their responsibilities in class and at home.  Please speak to your child about this, I would really appreciate it, thank you! 

I assure you, this program is excellent and will build your child's comfort and confidence in mathematics :)

On Tuesday April 30th at 9:40 am, Mrs. Wallace's grade 3 class will be leading our character recognition assembly.  I am certain they have been working hard to prepare for this!  

I always look forward to these special events because it's a time to acknowledge and honour our Nighthawks good character from K-8.   

We're surrounded by amazing children who display SCDSB's 23 Attributes (as seen on the certificate below).

As always, all families are welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you there if you're able to make it.  I will be sure to reveal and write about our well deserved winners on next week's post ;)

The children and I were in great anticipation for Isla's return from her international travels!  Welcome back :)

Thank you Mae for warmly welcoming Isla back and making her a heartfelt card :)  This made her day!  

I would like to personally thank Isla and her family for thinking about me and gifting me with these comfy cozy pants from Indonesia, I love them!  They're definitely my style & colour.  They will come in handy when I wear them for yoga & meditation. 

Thank you Barr family to think of me on your amazing travels, it means a lot and I'll cherish this generous gesture always :-)

Love these!

Last Sunday, I had the pleasure of watching Molly perform as the lead in the musical Pirates.  It was a remarkable performance and she shone bright like a diamond!  I was in awe :-)

Our beloved Queen M who joined our Black History Cafe came as well!  At the conclusion of the play, she said to me, "Wow Pareen, that was magical!  Your class kiddo's got talent!"  She sure does!

Some of Molly's biggest fans ;)

Malcolm's older sister Evie was in the play too, she did greeeat!

I am so proud of this astonishing achievement!  Best wishes to Molly and her friends as they audition for a role in the upcoming musical Annie Jr.  I'm rooting for you all!  #yougotthis 

Aww, so sweet of Harlow for supporting her friend, I love it!

Thank you Margot and family for thinking about our class and providing a donation of Kleenex and paper towel rolls.  

Margot being the conscientious person that she is took it upon herself to bring in these items.  On Monday morning she shared, "Ms. Gill, I noticed we ran out of Kleenex and paper towel, here you go."

Thank you so much, your thoughtfulness is appreciated!  We all know the cost of living these days has increased a lot so we truly appreciate your family's genuine generosity :)

Speaking of donations, thank you Mielle and Cara who donated extra chalk from their Guides experience.  

They both knew that the ones we had in class were running low so they took it upon themselves to share :)  Aww, how thoughtful, we appreciate YOU!  

These'll come in handy as we use them to write positive affirmations on the pavement outside our portable :-)

Last Friday, Finn played in a tournament in Markham to help a team for the weekend.  He arrived in the dressing room to discover the team was mostly made up of the Barrie rep team (one of Collingwood’s biggest rivals in the playoffs).

His Mom shared that lots of important life lessons were learned about sportsmanship and in the end our Finn has gained some new friends.  Aww, how terrific!  We are so happy for you, bud!

Looking sharp and ready to play!

Please tune into this captivating short Conservation International Film and join forces to give nature a voice!

Yes my friends, it is up to us to PROTECT, RESTORE, and FUND to help Mother Earth who is our greatest provider. The time is now to LISTEN, ACT, UNITE for climate change!

Thank you Greta Thunberg for being a powerful voice and environmental activist to help inspire our youngsters that they can too can MAKE A DIFFERENCE with one step, one act ... AT A TIME!

Still determined as ever, and just 21 years old. Below you can we hear about Greta's project ‘The Climate Book’ which brings together 100 experts to share their views on the climate crisis and what we do next as a planet.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Ms. P. Gill


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