
Showing posts from January, 2024

Week #19: Jan. 22nd - 25th

Dear Families, We've completed our final full week of January, can you believe it?!  Time sure flies by and I hope you were able to enjoy the snow as it was beautiful seeing it all over our school yard.  The kids have been loving building snowmen, structures, and playing snow soccer. Check out the photo below that I took just outside our portable.  Isn't it like a POSTCARD or PAINTING?!  Wowie, the views of our school yard during the different seasons are remarkable and I feel so HAPPY sitting contently and admiring it. I hope everyone's PA Day went well!  I really enjoyed  collaborating with my colleagues  to  plan and prepare meaningful lessons/reports  for my students!   Here at Nottawa, we truly are surrounded with  supportive staff  who  value the importance of working together  to create a school climate that is  safe ,  welcoming , and  child centered. SPEECH PRESENTATIONS: I would just like to acknowledge and extend my gratitude to everyone who presented their spe

Week #18: Jan. 15th - 19th

Dear Families, The colder temperature and snow's decided to stay so I imagine many of you will spend some time outdoors participating in winter activity that your family is fond of such as  skiing/snowboarding, hiking, tobogganing, building structures in the snow, playing hockey , etc.   Whatever you decide to do, seize and savour each moment with your loved ones :-)  If you'll be out on the roads, please be safe as it's been blustery. JANUARY KINDNESS CALENDAR: With the new year upon us, every day's a GREAT DAY to begin building a new routine which means including  intentional moments of kindness, laughter and delight.   It also means taking a moment to enjoy and recognize when those things are happening.   Kindness starts with one.   One smile.    One compliment.    One cup of coffee.    One conversation.   Let’s lift the "fog" and make kindness the norm!! #MakeKindnessTheNorm As always, I encourage your child to select as many acts of kindness from the cal