
Showing posts from November, 2023

Week #12: Nov. 20th - 24th

Dear Families, Can you believe that we’re soon into the month of December, like next week?!  We've experienced quite a bit of drizzle this week, hopefully we'll have some sunshine this weekend (fingers crossed).   The snow's here,  I'm sure many of you have been eagerly awaiting its (snow) arrival to get out onto the hills of Blue Mountain and/or your private ski clubs :-) Throughout our many weathered days, I appreciate you (parents) providing the appropriate attire for your child so he or she is prepared for any weather that may come our way (rain, snow, etc).  After all, we do live in this area that's conducive to the climate that's associated with all four seasons. I hope you have a wonderful weekend as a family!   CHARACTER RECOGNITION ASSEMBLY: Next week, Mrs. Newman and Mrs. Teeter's class will be leading the assembly to recognize students who are displaying true character in their thoughts, words, and actions. The assembly will take place on Thurs.

Week #11: Nov. 13th - 17th

Dear Families, As I write this blog update, my heart's bursting with  JOY !!  The highlight of my week was meeting with most of my students' family members.   Thank you (parents) for taking the time to attend, celebrate, and enjoy all your child's  academic ,  social , and  emotional achievements  thus far in the school year!   The conferences are one of my most favourite times of the year as I get to connect with families :) You (parents) are making such a significant difference in how and what I teach on a daily basis.  I am in awe of the remarkable child(ren) you're raising who I have every confidence will take care of our future and the planet. During the student-led conferences, I was extremely proud of all my learners as they clearly, confidently, and calmly led his or her conference by sharing their  self-assessment  (Progress Report),  personal goals, Remembrance Day message,  and their Social & Emotional Learning Journal ("If I could change anything in