
Showing posts from October, 2023

Week #8: Oct. 23rd - 27th

Dear Families, With Halloween approaching next week, the children sure are buzzing with excitement!!  I remember as a kid I used to as well and have many fond memories of dressing up and trick or treating with my friends :-) On Tuesday, we encourage the children to dress up to celebrate Halloween and show school spirit!  It could be in their actual costumes or in   PURPLE , ORANGE , and BLACK.   Please note , if your child decides to wear his or her costume, the school is NOT   responsible for any lost or damaged accessories.  So please be mindful of this and remind your child(ren) to take care of their items. I'll be sure to post a class picture of us all dressed up in our Halloween gear in next week's post!  Stay tuned :-) MINDFUL WALK: Can you believe the fall we've been having?!  It's nearing the end of October and we're continuing to have temperatures that are 'spring like,' AMAZING! Today, we went on a mindful nature walk and we took the time to thin

Week #7: Oct. 16th - 19th

Dear Families, Can you believe we're soon entering into our last full week of October?  Like, Halloween's only 11 days away!  Where in the world did this month go!?  Ahhh, time sure flies when you're actively learning, growing , and having FUN all at the same time!   I hope you child’s made the most of his or her PA day by spending some of their time on their classwork that needs to be completed from this week.   For example, any unfinished work: Word Study Homework (red duo-tang) Math Practice (green duo-tang)  Daily Math (finishing Friday’s page/Brain Stretch question),  Knowledgehook  (finishing the assigned work posted) Google Classroom (working through the 2 math questions to help prepare for Tuesday’s Whole Numbers Assessment).  I have shared with the students, they may bring in a study sheet and use it during the test.  The academic environment in our classroom is building and thriving !  Your support in this is appreciated 👏 CHARACTER RECOGNITION